About me and writing

With me, two things are always going on. At least! This can make it hard to explain when someone asks: So what do you do?

Well, I write.

Since the late 1990s, I’ve operated Heather Pegas Consulting, with full-scope grant writing services. I sometimes refer to HPC as my “day job,” and my clients (who work to better our world in fields like health and human services, education, legal aid, parks and recreation, housing, arts and the environment) are some of the smartest, most creative and compassionate problem solvers around.

My favorite thing is to help them crystallize their ideas and put them in compelling (and measurable) story form, so they can win the funding they need to perform their critical work.

Learn more about my services here:

Also, I write creatively.

It may be more accurate to say that for many decades (possibly since high school), I fancied myself a “creative writer,” but rarely wrote anything (and even less frequently finished anything).

This changed with the mid-life dawning that time is short, one cannot regain lost time, the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, and other such inspirational aphorisms.

Now I write fiction, flash, creative nonfiction, and essays…but not poetry. I’m not licensed for that. I hope you’ll have a look: